Functions in c programming
In c language program can be
divided into a series of individual
related programs called modules.
This modules are called functions.
There are two types of functions::
2》UDF [user defined function]
1》built -in-function:-It is
a collection of various types of
functions which perform some
standard and ore-defined task
these functions which are
part of C compiler that have
Been written for general
purpose are Called
library / built in function.
Example:-sqrt ( ), int ( ), cds ( ),
Scanf ( ), printf ( ) , etc,.
Advantages of built in function::-
●The programmer job is made
easier. because the functions are
already available.
●this can be used whenever
2》usd [ user defined function ]:-
In most cases the programmers
Need other library functions to
achieve some specific tasks. These
Functions which are written by the
Users to do some specific tasks are
Called usd [user defined function].
Advantages of usd [user defined function]::-
● reusability and reduction of code size.
●reliability of the Program cab be increased.
●modular programming approach.
●Easier debugging.
●built library function.